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Health Accessories
Showing 81 - 96 of 96 Items
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Rs. 1,899
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Rs. 2,100
Rs. 2,500
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Rs. 1,575
Rs. 1,600
Seabuckthorn Seed is the basic source of value-added product and are used for making food supplement, medicine and cosmetic products. Seabuckthorn Seed is considered a storehouse of Vitamin C that can also be consumed directly. Sea buckthorn seeds are a 50/50 mixture of male and female seeds.
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Experience efficient body waxing with our 90g Non-Woven Paper Strips (20 x 7 cm). Designed for optimal use, these strips effectively remove wax without splitting it into layers or leaving any residue behind.
Rs. 788
Get the updated version of the portable 6 blades in a 3D juicer cup, a rechargeable juice blender that ensures superb mixing. This electric fruit mixer is designed with a magnetic secure switch and offers convenient and efficient blending.
Rs. 1,346
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Enjoy freshly squeezed fruit juices with our stainless steel manual juice machine. Made of heavy-duty aluminum alloy, this fruit press juicer is designed for extracting juice from oranges, lemons, watermelons, pomegranates, and more.
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