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Hair Treatments
Showing 1 - 16 of 37 Items
Experience the benefits of Wellice Onion Anti Hair Loss Oil - a professional solution for both men and women. This natural hair oil is designed to address hair fall, baldness, and grey hair, promoting healthier and stronger locks.
Rs. 314
Pei Mei Hair Growth Serum with Biotin, Vitamin E & DHT Blocker promotes thicker, healthier hair while reducing hair loss. Enriched with Hydrolyzed Wheat & Soy Protein, it nourishes & strengthens hair strands. Ideal for men & women. Get yours now from Action WebStore—A Leading Online Marketplace in Pakistan!
Rs. 845
Rs. 1,550
Revitalize your hair with Keratine Queen Moisturizing Protein Brazilian! Infused with keratin, collagen, argan oil & jojoba oil, this deep conditioning formula hydrates, strengthens & smooths frizz. Ideal for damaged, color-treated & chemically processed hair. Order now from Action WebStore—A Leading Online Marketplace in Pakistan!
Rs. 2,420
Rs. 2,999
Instantly transform thinning hair with Caboki Hair Building Fibers! This 25g fiber-based formula clings to hair, giving a fuller, natural look. Hypoallergenic, sweat & wind-resistant, perfect for men & women. Order now from Action WebStore—A Leading Online Marketplace in Pakistan!
Rs. 1,265
Rs. 1,950
Experience the power of the Ultimate Performance Hair Serum at Action WebStore. Lightweight and fast-absorbing, it controls frizz, hydrates, and protects hair while enhancing shine. Ideal for all hair types and daily use. Get the best deals in Pakistan—order now!
Rs. 2,520
Rs. 3,000
Explore a world of hair color possibilities with the Hair Color Shade Card. With 63 shades, this essential guide helps you find the ideal match for any style. Perfect for professionals and DIY enthusiasts alike, available exclusively at Action WebStore. Shop the best deals in Pakistan now.
Rs. 5,250
Rs. 6,500
The Ordinary Multi-Peptide Serum for Hair Density, enriched with CAPIXYL, Procapil, and REDENSYL™, strengthens cuticles, promotes hair growth, and reduces scalp inflammation. Shop now at Action WebStore in Pakistan for effective hair care!
Rs. 1,108
Rs. 1,950
Revitalize and restore your hair with the Hair Rescue Set, featuring a deeply nourishing Hair Oil Mask and Volumizing Hair Serum. Designed to repair damaged hair, enhance shine, and add volume. Perfect for all hair types. A Leading Online Marketplace in Pakistan.
Rs. 2,574
Rs. 4,290
7 in 1 Hair Food Oil combines seven natural and herbal oils to nourish, strengthen, and revitalize hair. Prevent hair fall, promote growth, and achieve shiny, healthy locks with consistent use. Packed with over 30 herbal ingredients, it’s perfect for natural hair care. Shop now at Action WebStore!
Rs. 1,550
Rs. 2,550
Biotin 5000 mcg tablets by Nature’s Time offer double potency for healthier hair, stronger nails, and radiant skin. Enriched with Vitamin C, Folic Acid, and Zinc, it supports keratin synthesis, boosts energy, and enhances metabolism. Available now at Action WebStore for quick and easy beauty support.
Rs. 1,450
Karseell Collagen Hair Mask offers deep repair and conditioning for dry and damaged hair. Enriched with argan oil and collagen, this 500ml treatment nourishes, strengthens, and adds shine to your hair. Experience healthier hair today at Action WebStore!
Rs. 1,096
Rs. 1,499
Care Miracle Elixir Keratin Booster offers an intense treatment to restore hair vitality. With 15 convenient 2ml ampules, this keratin-infused formula deeply moisturizes, strengthens, and revitalizes dull hair. Experience salon-quality results at home!
Rs. 8,050
Silver Savior Foam Treatment is a leave-in conditioning mousse designed to keep color-treated hair fresh and vibrant. Infused with violet pigments to neutralize warm tones and Provitamin B5 for silky softness, it’s a must-have for maintaining your ash blonde look!
Rs. 3,395
Keune Bond Fusion Recharger, 200 ml, conditioner for extreme damaged hair. Enriched with keratin and shea butter, it repairs, strengthens, and nourishes for healthier, smoother hair. Shop the best deals in Pakistan at Action WebStore. A Leading Online Marketplace in Pakistan.
Rs. 3,491
Keune Bond Fusion Salon Kit, 500 ml, provides professional-grade hair care at home. Infused with keratin, it repairs damaged hair, reduces breakage, and protects against heat and chemicals. A Leading Online Marketplace in Pakistan.
Rs. 44,568
Keune So Pure Energizing Lotion prevents hair thinning and revitalizes the scalp with Red Ginseng, Biotin, and Caffeine. Available now at Action WebStore, your trusted online marketplace!
Rs. 3,671
Rs. 4,600